Written by Nielsen

How to tap a mini music album to read the NFC tag or chip

How to tap a mini music album to read the NFC tag or chip

NFC album cd use NFC technology to realize .Near Field Communication ( NFC ) is supported by most Apple and Android phones and is the communication method used when using “tap to pay”.

Our mini music albums have an embedded NFC tag inside of the cxj album cd and located in the center. See the below picture of a cxj nfc music album being tapped. Reading the tag will send you to a website link that shows the NFT for the album.


*Find your favorite album link

*Encode the album URL data into nfc tag

*NFC tag package into the acrylic cd case

Contact us to supply sample and encode process video

Written by Nielsen

What Is Plastic Pvc Gift Card-Get Gift Card Method

What Is Pvc Plastic Gift Card

The Pvc Gift Card  is a prepaid card ,you can use to purchase items or services without cash in a specific store or multiple stores. Through gift card be used widely ,it make the vendor and consumer fast deals without money change trouble .

The gift card different types:

*Merchant gift card : only use it on specific merchant

*Universal gift card: such as visa card and Mastercard can be used on related authorized stores

*Digital gift card : Through email or message to send virtual gift card

No matter which type of gift cards when you choose ,there is different value of the cards .For example you choose 100dollar or 50dollar gift card,equal there are money inside .

Note to use gift card :

Be sure to choose a reliable source when purchasing a gift card to avoid buying an invalid or used gift card.
Protect your gift card code or serial number from theft.
Pay attention to the expiration date of the gift card to avoid being unable to use it after the expiration date.

Chuangxinjia card factory located in china ,already have 17 years history .Specialized in pvc plastic card printing include gift card ,supermarket card ,staff card ,bank card etc .Support blank card or printing cards .

Contact us to customized cards

nfc card
Written by Nielsen

Unlocking The Magic Of NFC Card Working Principle

Unlocking The Magic Of NFC Card Working Principle

Nfc card manufacturer over 17 years ,NFC (Near Field Communication) technology works in various applications, including Google’s services, to provide users with a convenient and secure experience.

Here’s a brief overview of how NFC functions in the context of Google reviews:

  • Electromagnetic Induction: NFC enable communication between two devices within a short distance, sometimes within a few centimeters. When two NFC-enabled devices come into closly, they establish a magnetic field that facilitates data exchange.
  • Quick Connectivity: NFC’s connection establish time is  fast, often within 0.1 seconds. This rapid connectivity ensures a smooth and efficient user experience when using NFC-enabled features within Google’s services.
  • Data Transmission: Once the connection is established, NFC allows for the rapid transmission of data between devices. This is particularly useful in the context of Google reviews, where users can quickly share their reviews, ratings, or other information with merchants or service providers.
  • Security: NFC technology is designed to be secure, utilizing encryption and authentication protocols to ensure that data transmitted between devices remains safe and private. This provides users with peace of mind when sharing their opinions and feedback using NFC-enabled Google reviews.
  • Integration with Google Services: NFC functionality is seamlessly integrated into various Google services, allowing users to leverage their NFC-enabled devices to engage with these services in new and innovative ways. Whether it’s sharing reviews, making payments, or accessing location-based information, NFC provides users with a convenient and secure means of interacting with Google’s offerings.

We could custom different nfc card based on your needs ,contact us to custom now

Written by Nielsen

How To Find Your Google Review Link ?

How To Find Your Google Store Review Link ? What’S The Function Of Google Review Nfc Card

Find google review link method:

Open your web browser and search for your business name on Google.

Locate your business in the search results ,click on it to open the Google Knowledge Panel on the right side of the search results.

Scroll down in the Knowledge Panel until you see the “Write a review” button.

Right-click on the “Write a review” button and select “Copy link address” or a similar option (the wording may vary depending on your web browser).

You can now paste this copied link wherever you want to share it for customers to leave reviews directly on your Google Store page.


What’S The Function Of Google Review Nfc Card 

Google Review NFC cards are cards that utilize Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. When a user touches this card with an NFC-enabled smartphone, it directly opens the relevant Google review page, allowing the user to easily provide a review or feedback for a business or service.

These cards can be customized to include unique designs and printed graphics. For instance, businesses can customize NFC review cards with their own branding and place them in prominent locations in their stores to encourage customers to leave reviews.


Application Process:

Prepare NFC card and NFC phone: Obtain a programmable NFC tag and ensure customers have an NFC-enabled smartphone.

Create Google review link: Obtain the review link from your Google My Business page and save it.

Write data to NFC tag: Use an NFC programming app (such as “NFC Tools”) to write the review link to the NFC tag.

Place NFC tag: Place the programmed NFC tag in a suitable location in your store, such as the checkout counter or entrance.

Customer usage: Customers touch the NFC tag with their NFC-enabled smartphone, and the phone will automatically open the review page, where customers can write and submit a review.



By providing this convenient method, businesses can encourage more customers to leave reviews, which helps enhance their online reputation and business presence.

For customers, using NFC review cards is a simple and quick way to share their shopping or service experience.


Now the google review nfc cards are very popular ,welcome to contact us to get sample now

Written by Nielsen

What is CR ?What are the Differences Between CR80 & CR100?

CR typically refers to “Card Size,” with CR80 and CR100 being two common standards for card dimensions. Here’s an explanation of these standards and their differences:

What is CR?

CR stands for Card Size, specifically denoting “Credit Card Size.” This standard is used for various types of cards, including IDs, membership cards, student cards, and credit cards. The CR size standard ensures that these cards are compatible with various card readers and are easy to carry and store.

Differences Between CR80 and CR100


  • CR80 is the most common standard for card size, also known as the “Standard Credit Card Size.”
  • Its dimensions are 85.60 millimeters (width) × 53.98 millimeters (height) or 3.370 inches (width) × 2.125 inches (height).
  • Most credit cards, IDs, membership cards, and other common cards adhere to the CR80 size.


  • CR100 is a larger card size typically used for special applications and customized needs.
  • Its dimensions are 101.60 millimeters (width) × 76.20 millimeters (height) or 4.000 inches (width) × 3.000 inches (height).
  • Cards of CR100 size are larger compared to those of CR80 size, allowing for more information or larger graphics.


CR80 and CR100 are both standards for card size, with the main difference lying in their dimensions. CR80 is the common standard for credit card size, while CR100 is larger and suitable for special applications requiring more information or larger graphics. The choice between the two sizes depends on the specific purpose and design requirements of the card.

Written by Nielsen

Maximizing Your Savings: How to Handle Expired Gift Cards ?

Hey there, savvy readers!

Today, let’s dive into a common yet often overlooked issue: expired gift cards. Yup, you read it right! We’ve all been there: receiving a gift card, using part of it, but left with a small balance that’s too insignificant to spend yet too valuable to discard. So, what’s the solution? Don’t worry, I’ve got your back with some smart strategies to make the most of those pesky expired gift cards!

First, let’s take the United States as an example and familiarize ourselves with the U.S. gift card landscape. Most states have laws governing the expiration date of gift cards, usually 5 years. However, some states state that gift cards never expire, so the rules vary depending on where you are.

Now, let’s talk solutions for those expired or about-to-expire gift cards:

Optimize Your Savings with Small Purchases:

If you’re left with a small gift card balance, consider using it for minor purchases or everyday essentials. Although you may not exhaust the entire balance, every penny counts towards savings.

Monetize with Online Platforms:

Explore online platforms that facilitate the sale or exchange of old gift cards. You can find buyers interested in your card or swap it for cash or other cards, maximizing its value.

Give Back through Charity:

If the remaining balance seems insignificant, consider donating the gift card to a charitable organization. Many charities accept gift cards and use them to purchase essential items for those in need.

Cash Out via Gift Card Exchange Sites:

Utilize specialized websites and apps to convert old gift cards into cash. These platforms typically offer a portion of the card balance in exchange for quick cash.

In summary, handling expired gift cards may seem daunting, but with strategic planning, you can turn them into valuable assets. By implementing these tips, you’ll not only declutter your wallet but also optimize your savings. Stay tuned to my blog for more insightful tips on maximizing your resources and saving money!

Wishing you smart savings and financial success!

Written by Nielsen

What Is a Special-Shaped Business Card?

In the daily activities of business networking, business cards are an indispensable tool for conveying contact information and establishing business relationships. However, in recent years, a new trendy business card design has become increasingly popular – special-shaped business cards. This kind of business card has attracted people’s attention with its unique appearance and innovative design, and has become a business promotion tool with outstanding personality.

Compared with traditional rectangular business cards, special-shaped business cards break through the prescribed boundaries and adopt various non-traditional shapes, such as circles, ovals, heart shapes, etc., thus attracting the audience’s attention in the first place. This unique appearance not only makes the business card stand out in busy business situations, but also enhances the brand image of a person or business.

Personalized and innovative information

Specially shaped business cards convey a message of personalization and innovation. They demonstrate an individual’s or a company’s pursuit of their own uniqueness and reflect their focus on creativity and design. By choosing a shape related to their industry or characteristics, the owner of the business card can instantly convey a distinctive impression, making it easier for the other party to remember it.

Brand Marketing

Specially shaped business cards also provide more possibilities for brand marketing. Enterprises can design business card shapes that match their own characteristics, making business cards an extension of brand communication. For example, a coffee shop’s business card can take the shape of a coffee cup to highlight its coffee-related features so that customers can think of delicious coffee when they receive the business card.

In addition, special-shaped business cards are particularly important in the era of online social networking. In virtual communication, business cards are no longer just a piece of paper transmitting information, but also a medium that attracts attention on the screen. Specially shaped business cards are more likely to attract attention on digital platforms, allowing individuals or businesses to stand out in a highly competitive market.

In general, special-shaped business cards add new elements to business communications with their unique designs and shapes. It is not only a carrier of contact information, but also an innovative tool to display personality and convey brand image. In this era of pursuing individuality and creativity, special-shaped business cards have undoubtedly injected new vitality into business social networking.

Written by Nielsen

What is Spot UV?

Spot UV is a special processing technology commonly used in the printing and design fields that gives printed matter unique visual and tactile effects. The full name of Spot UV is “Spot Ultraviolet Coating”. It uses ultraviolet light curing technology to add a transparent, high-gloss coating to the surface of the printed matter, thereby producing a different visual effect from the surrounding area.

Features of Spot UV

High-gloss effect: Spot UV can create a high-gloss effect by adding a transparent UV coating to specific areas, making the covered area appear bright and shiny when illuminated by light.

Emphasize details

This technique can be used to emphasize specific details or patterns on a print, making them more prominent within the overall design.

Improve texture

Spot UV is not only a visual improvement, it can also add tactile texture to printed matter. Areas covered by a UV coating will often feel smooth and slightly raised, providing a noticeable tactile contrast to the rest.

Increased durability

UV coating not only provides a unique look but also increases the durability of your prints. It protects print surfaces from scratches, stains and everyday wear and tear.

How to apply Spot UV?

In print design, applying Spot UV requires some professional preparation and technology. The following are general application steps:

Design file

In the design file, it is necessary to clearly identify which areas need to apply the Spot UV effect. This is usually achieved by using a dedicated Spot color channel in the design software.

Printing preparation

In the printing preparation stage, the printing factory will use a special UV coating to print according to the Spot color channel in the design file.

Light Curing

After printing is completed, the area covered by the coating needs to be UV cured. This process allows the UV coating to quickly harden to a shiny surface.

Quality Inspection

Finally, quality inspection is performed to ensure the consistency and quality of Spot UV effects.


Spot UV, as a printing special effect, provides designers with rich creative possibilities. With its high gloss, emphasis on detail and added texture, Spot UV not only makes prints more visually striking, but also enhances the tactile experience. When designing prints, consider using Spot UV technology to add a lot of color to your work.

Written by Nielsen

Hotel Key Cards: What to Know

1. Technical specifications and compatibility

When choosing a hotel key card, the first thing to look at is its technical specifications and compatibility. Different hotel key systems use different technologies, such as magnetic cards, radio frequency identification (RFID) or near field communications (NFC). Make sure the key card technology you choose is compatible with your hotel’s door lock system to prevent unnecessary compatibility issues.

2. Safety performance

Hotel security is of the utmost importance to guests, and key cards are an integral part of that security. Understand the security features of the key card you purchase, including encryption technology and safeguards. Choose keycards with advanced security features to reduce potential security risks.

3. Persistence and Durability

The key card is a must-have for every hotel guest’s stay, so its permanence and durability are crucial. Choose a key card with good manufacturing quality that can withstand regular use and environmental changes to avoid inconvenience to guests due to damage to the key card.

4. Ease of use and user experience

A good hotel key card should have good ease of use, ensuring guests can enter their room easily and quickly. At the same time, consider the user experience and choose key cards that are reasonably designed and easy to operate to avoid problems when guests use them.

5. System support and services

Purchasing a key card is not just a one-time transaction, but also requires subsequent system support and services. Choose a supplier with stable technical support and timely after-sales service to ensure that any problems that arise during use can be solved in a timely manner.

In conclusion

Purchasing a hotel key card is a process that requires careful consideration, involving the security of the hotel and the guest’s stay experience. By understanding technical specifications, security features, durability, ease of use, and system support, hotels can choose a high-quality key card that suits their needs and provide guests with a safer and more convenient check-in experience.

Written by Nielsen

What Are Magnetic Strips ? & How Does It Work ?

Understanding Magnetic Strips and Their Applications

Introduction: Magnetic stripe technology is a means of authentication and information storage that is widely used in our daily lives. These small and thin magnetic strips are integrated into credit cards, ID cards and other various cards, providing us with convenient and secure electronic transactions.

Basic principles of magnetic stripe

Magnetic stripe is composed of small magnetic particles, which form a specific encoding pattern under the action of a magnetic field. This encoding pattern represents the information stored on the magnetic strip, such as account numbers, names and other personally identifiable information.

The structure of the magnetic strip

The magnetic strip is usually placed on the back of the card in a spiral or longitudinal layout. This layout helps increase the storage density of information and allows readers to quickly and accurately obtain the data stored on the magnetic stripe.

Application of magnetic stripe in credit cards

Credit cards are the most widely used field of magnetic stripe technology. Key account-related information is stored on the magnetic strip, allowing users to easily complete payments when shopping. However, because magnetic stripe information is relatively easy to steal, more and more credit card companies have turned to more secure chip technology in recent years.

Application of magnetic strips in ID cards

Magnetic strips are also commonly found on ID cards and are used to store personal information and other necessary identity verification data. This design makes identity verification more convenient, especially in scenarios where ID cards are frequently required, such as airports and hotel check-ins.

Security Issues and Challenges

Although magnetic stripes have been an important technology over the past few decades, they are not perfect. Magnetic stripe information is relatively easy to steal and copy, which leads to some security challenges. As a result, more and more industries are looking to more secure authentication methods, such as chip card technology.

Future development trends

With the development of technology, new payment and identity verification methods continue to emerge, replacing traditional magnetic stripe technology. It is expected that in the future, magnetic stripes will gradually be replaced by more advanced and safer technologies.


Although magnetic stripe card technology has played an important role in the past few decades, as security needs continue to increase, we are ushering in a new era of authentication and information storage. While the use of magnetic strips may be declining, our needs for security, convenience and innovation will continue to drive technology.

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