Written by Nielsen

What Is the Gift Card Dimensions ?

Gift card dimensions can vary depending on the specific requirements of the retailer or brand. However, the most common dimensions for gift cards are as follows:

Gift Card Dimensions

Gift Card Dimensions

  • Width: Typically, the width of a gift card is around 3.375 inches (8.57 cm) or 85.6 mm.
  • Height: The height of a gift card is usually around 2.125 inches (5.4 cm) or 54 mm.
  • Thickness: Gift cards are commonly printed on PVC material, which has a standard thickness of 0.030 inches (0.76 mm) or 30 mil.

These dimensions are widely accepted and used by many retailers and gift card providers. However, it’s important to note that some brands or retailers may have their own unique dimensions for their gift cards. Therefore, if you have specific requirements for gift card dimensions, it’s recommended to consult with the gift card provider or manufacturer to ensure compliance with their standards.
